July 19, 2020

ProChoice & ProAbortion Efforts Thwart Suicide Prevention

Suicide prevention advocates fight really hard to save human beings in daily life. Reason follows that they would fight just as hard to save human beings in the womb, yet they do not always do that.

Some are ProLife for suicide, but ProChoice or ProAbortion for crisis pregnancy. They forbid killing human beings in one instance, and allow – even encourage – killing them in the other. With this dichotomy, a suicidal person should push back on a prevention advocate with, “Why are you telling me not to kill myself? Life can’t be precious if mothers are legally killing their babies in the womb every day.”

Truth becomes precarious, which is a lie. The lie fractures the integrity of suicide prevention efforts. Trust between the suicidal and the prevention advocates then erodes. See Figure 1.

Both situations call us to raise up the dignity of human life, and we can only do that with congruent messages to those in crisis. Truth will then remain intact. Accord will be struck and it will strengthen the integrity of suicide prevention efforts. Trust between the suicidal persons and the prevention advocates will also flourish. See Figure 2.

* Those left behind after someone’s abortion: Mother, father, siblings, aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc.,
                      can experience grief, directly or indirectly. See Mourning My Loved Ones Lost to Abortion

Admittedly, we must overcome many socioeconomic and political challenges to keep human beings alive in both scenarios. However, we are fabulously capable of shifting minds and monies to conquer them. So let’s commit to activity that eliminates the scarcity mindset of abortion, and replaces it with the abundant hopefulness of ProLife, i.e., All Lives Matter.


1) My Book, Unraveling My Father's Suicide 

2) My Facebook Page, Unraveling My Father's Suicide 

3) My Facebook Page, Let There Be Life

My email:  klaplante2@yahoo.com

Coming soon in a local newspaper near me. The Valley Patriot.

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