July 18, 2020

Abortion. Abomination.

I admit it. I watch a soap opera. Days of Our Lives. One of the dramas is about a woman breaking up with her boyfriend, having a one night fling with another man, getting back together with her boyfriend, finding out she is pregnant, finding out the extraneous man is the father, and lying to everyone by announcing her boyfriend as the father, and living it out that way. (Sounds like a soap opera, doesn't it?) 

Most viewers would classify this situation as an abomination. How can we call it anything less than that when a real-life woman kills her baby in her womb? Like in the soap opera, her child misses out on knowing her biological father, her mother and siblings, her grandparents and aunts and uncles on both sides of the family. And they miss out on knowing her. And what about all the friends God planned for this child who has been annihilated? 

It is total deprivation. This deprivation manifests as holes and vacuums in the souls of all those who are interconnected. As the holes and vacuums propagate through family and friend networks, they get passed down through generations. This far-reaching spiritual deprivation opposes God's plan for love, life, and family. 

We need help. Calling all prayer warriors! Let's pray that His Divine Providence provides us the grace and strength to persevere through so much sin, as we journey to reach the Gates of Heaven.

Image result for deprivation abortion
This is our future so many women are obliterating.

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