November 08, 2020

Jesus Christ and Fear-Mongering Do Not Go Together

noun: fear-mongering
  1. the action of deliberately arousing public fear or alarm about a particular issue.

I congratulate Biden/Harris supporters on the current electoral count, unless it is proven otherwise.

If their votes were based on unacceptable fear-mongering by Trump, one must look at the fear-mongering that goes on toward those facing unexpected pregnancies to the point of widespread genocide of human beings in the womb. This is the fear-mongering they upport by supporting Biden and Harris who want to make abortion more widespread. 

I grew up in poverty. And that is fearful in itself and it is why I suspect Biden/Harris supporters are in fear of women facing unexpected pregnancies. 

For some reason, I was faced with pregnancy in college and may have likely killed my baby, while today, I believe that action would have come from a place of scarcity (instead of abundance and trust in God), and it would have been dreadfully wrong. I believe life always wins over death, especially death of innocent human beings, and death of  any other form of anticipated social/physical comfort.

That is what I believe we need to change with improved social constructs. I do not believe greater encouragement and access to kill more and more human beings in the womb is a good foundation of democracy. That is scarcity, not abundance and trust in God. 

But that is not the only reason I don't approve of Biden/Harris. They tout Marxist, socialist, and similar ideologies. We will really learn what it is to lose our personal freedom and money we earned/earn.


Children didn’t ruin my social life. They gave me one. I made some life time friends through them. 

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