April 27, 2012

To Be or To Do? That Is The Question

As I have journeyed into my Catholic existence, my journey with the saints has given me a deeper appreciation for being rather than doing.   I have come to realize that I have been over focused on what I do, and not focused enough on who I am.  In the end, I think who we are and what we stand up for is more important than any engineering project we could ever accomplish. 

So when I recently came across the information below, I was dismayed, but not surprised. The hyper focus on doing and accomplishing and readying, rather than on being and letting things unfold and preparing for the Holy Spirit's inspirations, is rampant in our world these days.  Quantity has superseded quality.

My ideas to balance out the focus on doing are shown in red.

For Parents
Parent Action Plan: 12th Grade
Parents: From college applications to high school graduation, this is going to be a busy year for you and your 12th-grader. Are you ready?
[Being:  Have you prayed and meditated together to determine God's will for all of you?]

Parent Action Plan: 10th Grade
Parents: Tenth grade is a great time to decide on college “must-haves” and explore career ideas. Find out how to help your child.
[Being:  Think about your vocation.  What is God calling you to?]

Parent Action Plan: Middle School
Parents: Find out how to help your middle school student develop the right work and study habits to prepare for high school and college.
Being:  Find out how to help your middle school student develop these habits while learning the moral underpinnings to them and finding out how to discern God's will for them.  One can study ad nauseum, but if one has not learned right from wrong, or has not learned that God loves them, they will not be able to make the right difference to mankind.]

Parent Action Plan: 11th Grade
Parents: Are you ready to help your 11th-grader search for colleges, get ready for college admission tests and research financial aid?
[Being:  Are you ready to help your 11th-grader know why college will help them get to heaven?  Are you ready to help your 11th-grader learn and work with the short-sightedness of most of the colleges administrative paradigm?]

Parent Action Plan: 9th Grade
Parents: Find out how you can help your 9th-grader adjest to high school and begin to think about college.
[Being:  Find out how you can help your 9th-grader understand and appreciate the different phases of life.  Find out how you can help your 9th-grader understand and appreciate the responsibility and freedom and enjoyment that comes with high school and the teenage years.]
 - https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org/get-started/for-parents

Our secular world is far too focused on the doing in life.  We really need to teach and appreciate more of the being, so ultimately, we can have a healthy balance between the two realms.

St. Joseph, pray for us.  Help us to maintain a healthy balance between achievement and simple existence.

image - http://janinedanielsblog.wordpress.com/

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