June 12, 2011

Happy Birthday To Us, The Catholic Church

How I wish I was there in the Upper Room with Mary and the Apostles, when the Holy Spirit descended upon them.  When I pray this mystery of the Rosary, I ask God to give me the zeal that was given to them that day, the birth day of our Church.

The Descent of the Holy Spirit
Upon Mary and the Apostles

I just want to be on fire for the Church, because sometimes I feel like I am too mediocre of a Catholic.  I have this fantasy of being like them, spreading the Word in a most profound and everlasting fashion.

The other things I pray for, when I do this mystery of the Rosary, is the gift of tongues, not in a flashy way, but in a way that allows me to muddle through any confusion inherent with language, and come to understand what God is truly trying to tell me through another person.  Likewise, I pray that I be given the ability to speak, such that I touch another person's heart and soul, and we understand one another beyond the verbal level.

Wouldn't you love to be infused with the Holy Spirit?

Happy Pentecost!  Happy Birthday to our Church!


image - http://adorotedevote.blogspot.com/2007/05/pentecost-veni-sancti-spiritus.html

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