July 09, 2010

Fr. Corapi Will Be In Cincinnati July 17, 2010


I saw Fr. Corapi in 2007 in Lowell, MA just before he "retired."  If you have a chance to see him, by all means, go.  He is like Archbishop Carlson (previous post) in that he tells it like it is and he lives it like it is.  He also lives in the same town where one of my sisters resides - Kallispell, MT.  Great country.

This time, at the Cintas Center at Xavier University in Cincinnati, OH, he will be speaking about the social teachings of the Church, including the evils of socialism, something President Obama seems to be promoting via the changes he is trying to implement.

One last thing - During one of the breaks at the Lowell, MA conference, the whole auditorium prayed the Rosary together.  We had to have saved many souls with that Rosary.  It was so powerful.


image - https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEibkGP2VwSXWx7v9Sy7SMskZ302_BVz4OUnPzh2zwZIPzHfWDBstk9NarlcIaYLJLBfCqlvLVCFWErl26DP7Qo__hwRGzfQ4CC5W1kqt08juIQ7t9zDSkJFhJsJOqc976lPu12AY7bk5F0/s400/FrCorapiTeaseremail1.jpg


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