June 21, 2010

Numbing Down America

You have heard of dumbing down America.  Now, there is numbing down America, although that terminology may already exist and I don't know about it.

All too often, I come across situations which show how numb our society has become to immorality and to those things that are just wrong, like cohabitation.

We need more of this.

image1 - https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhPRFUKj3vnfjat9r6ckswj6tPqKDBndeWfyJ6ZcsFjiJQksZr8ZmgjXR_kt50QxsnLChsBYoLYDCTeT_JxpdJUq0vzja1RRZ3OMr3KpAk-972v5_Gogi4xmX13f6d7sfiA8nVSOorTmIs/s400/cohabitation.jpg
quote - http://www.archive.org/details/ThePayingAttentionRadioProgramWithTomDugganOnWcap980amFromSat.June
image2 - http://www.pennviewvisuals.biz/store/images/Right%20and%20Wrong.jpg


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