May 29, 2010

Mixed Messages From The Media

Alicia Keys expecting baby, plans to marry
When I first saw this, I did a double take. "Wait. 'Expecting baby' and 'plans to marry' do not go together.  What is going on here?" Then my brain got it and I was sad. Whatever happened to the day of having remorse about having premarital sex such that this kind of situation would never be publicized? 

We are not all ok.  We are sinners and having premarital sex is a sin.  So is creating scandal by indirectly celebrating it in this fashion.

Later on, I realized this is not all bad and celebration is indeed called for.  After all, God is bringing our world a new baby and that is a good thing.  He tends to do that.  Make good out of bad, that is. 

The other good thing is that Alicia Keys is going to carry her pregnancy full term, i.e. no abortion.  That is a wonderful thing. Thank you Alicia.

image - Yahoo! News


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