May 29, 2016

Back to Basics

We Catholics are taught that the fullness of Truth lies within the Catholic Church, and we believe it, at least those of us who have thought about it. But what about all those other religions and philosophies? Well, they contain elements of the Truth, but they do not contain the fullness of Truth.

Having said that, there seems to be one element of Truth that runs through many or all of them. It is:

In 12-step programs, in Catholicism, in the yamas and niyamas of Patanjali's eight-fold path in yoga, etc., "Back to Basics" is a common theme found in all of them.

There is wisdom in and fruition from applying this concept, especially when life runs amok.  "Back to Basics" grounds us so we can gain clarity and be more confident (faith-filled) with prioritizing and making sound decisions. It helps us to better love ourselves and those around us when we are feeling shaky.

A post about this concept came my way recently in Facebook. I liked it especially because it is gentle in its approach. 8 Things Every Catholic Should Be Doing Every Day encourages people to incorporate some of the basics into their lives in a measured fashion, not in a big-gulp kind of approach in which most of us would probably become overwhelmed and drop out.

8 Things Every Catholic Should Be Doing Every Day goes "Back to Basics" and embraces the concept of gradual inclusion so we stay enthused about our attempt to get closer to God again. Here are the eight suggestions:

1. Start the day with prayer, your Bible, and a talk with your Mother, i.e., Mary.
2. Smile, Use your manners, Be kind, Give out hugs.
3. Go on social media (i.e., communicate!), call a friend, visit a friend.
4. Tell someone you love them and why.
5. Talk about God.
6. Sacrifice something.
7. Serve in some way.
8. Reflect on your day.

For a reflection on each item, go to 8 Things Every Catholic Should Be Doing Every Day and soak it in. It's worth the time.

In my blog posts to come, I will reflect on these eight things as they play out in my life. I hope you come for the ride!

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