March 04, 2011

Former Abortionist Dr. John Bruchalski Now Heads ProLife Medical Practice


Thanks be to God.  We have yet another pro-abortion doctor who has seen the Light.  Dr. John Bruchalski used to perform abortions but he eventually realized the horror of what he was doing  and converted to the ProLife paradigm.  With time, he also converted back to the Catholic religion of his youth.

He now heads up a pro-life medical practice which has a holistic flair.

Read about his story here and read about his practice here.  I love that he named his practice Tepeyac Family Center after the site in Mexico where Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared.  It is all part of his story.

Here are some quotes from the article about him:

“'How do you combine the best of modern medicine with the healing presence of Jesus Christ? That’s what we’re about,' he told LifeSiteNews."

“I was doing the abortions because I believed it was the lesser of two evils, ... yet I realized that people were just more broken after the procedure. There might have been a brief respite from the stress and strain, but most relationships broke up after the abortion.”

“The mercy of God was what truly penetrated my heart.”

"Guadalupe in Mexico City. He says there he heard Our Lady of Guadalupe - whom Catholics revere as the patroness of the unborn - ask him, 'Why are you hurting me?'”

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