January 23, 2011

Celebrating Large Families - Meet the Bates Who Have 18 Children

The Bates Children

I grew up with five brothers and sisters and I thought that was a large family.  I think otherwise when I hear about families like the Bates.  They have 18 children and are hoping to have more.

Watch video

My head would probably spin with this many children, but I would be willing to let it spin if I could. My life unfolded differently, however, and I am grateful for the two children I do have.

By the way, Gil and Kelly Bates do not believe in the use of artificial contraception.  As Neil Armstrong said on the moon, "That's one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind."

Learn more about large families at Association of Large Families of America.


image - http://blogs.knoxnews.com/silence/archives/2008/11/

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