November 23, 2010

A Prayer For Your Thanksgiving Table

A Prayer For Your
Thanksgiving Table

O Lord of all creation: Be blest for the earth and all it holds, for the seas and all their riches, and for the heavens and all that fills them. Be blest for the mountains and valleys, for the lakes and rivers and streams, for the forests, deserts, and plains and all that inhabits them. In relishing the blessings of this day, we are well aware of the way you have dealt with us at all times. Your mercy is so abundant and your love for us is so great that, although we were spiritually dead in our disobedience, you brought us to life through your Christ. Therefore, master, enable us to reflect on this mystery throughout the coming day, calling to mind all you have done for us, that we may reap the benefits of the day, while enjoying the company of those we love.

For you deserve all glory, honor, and worship, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: now and forever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. - Source unknown

Thank you to my friend Eric Ewanco for sending this to me.

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