June 08, 2010

Sanctifying The Role of Motherhood

"The Little Daughters of the Sacred Heart is a group of Catholic mothers who strive to truly embrace our vocation as the primary means of our sanctification. We believe that God has given mothers such a beautiful path to holiness, but one that in our present world is greatly misunderstood and undervalued. Sometimes it is difficult for women to see that when they wash clothes, clean a toilet, or hold a fussy child out of love for Christ and their families, that they have performed a holy action. In fact, we believe that since many of our actions as wives and mothers are hidden, even despised, they are especially awesome in God’s eyes." 

"Sometimes it is difficult for women to see that when they wash clothes, clean a toilet, or hold a fussy child out of love for Christ and their families, that they have performed a holy action."

"By joining our prayers, works, joys and sorrows with those of other wives and mothers, we build up the body of Christ one diaper at a time, one load of laundry at a time."

"In the manner of St. Therese Lisieux, we offer our daily sacrifices and duties to the Sacred Heart of Juesus, turning these hidden tasks into a means of obtaining grace and merit for mothers who urgently need it, but cannot or do not obtain it for themselves."

- http://www.littledaughters.org/

image - Source unknown
text - Revision of 09/21/07 blog entry, Promoting Life As A Roman Catholic

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