May 15, 2010

Feminism Revisited

Feminists for Life is a secular ProLife group with catchy slogans like "Refuse to Choose" and "Woman Deserve Better [Than Abortion]".  They focus on college women, students and teachers.  They are pro-woman and pro-life simultaneously.  Part of their work entails setting the record straight on feminism, which has pro-life roots.  The organization works with the administrations of schools to put systems in place that help a woman choose life instead of abortion, e.g. child care, family housing, accomodations for missing classes.  I like their approach. 

I attended one of their presentations recently in Boston.  Serrin M. Foster, President, spoke.  She was dynamic, results-oriented, well-informed, and unafraid to tell it like it is, with compassion, though.  If you ever have a chance to see her speak, do it.  Here are some excerpts from their brochure, "Pro Woman Answers to Pro Choice Questions."

"Abortion is a reflection that we have failed women - and women have settled for less."

"No woman deserves to have an abortion."

"Abortion is a last resort, not a free choice."

"The basic tenets of feminism are nonviolence, nondiscrimination and justice for all.  Abortion violates all three."

"Since we are both pro-woman and pro-life, we refuse to choose between women and children."

"All choices aren't equal, but all people are.  We reject violence against womjen and children through abortion, and promote peaceful alternatives that benefit both woman and child."

Yes!  One significant shortcoming is the organization's silence on contraception.  They say it is outside of their mission, yet they take a stand against other non-abortion issues, such as euthanasia.  I would like to see them investigate this topic further and make a definitive statement about its exploitive nature against women, for example, the suppression and denial of a woman's fertility.

Check out their web site at   Kudos.

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