April 23, 2010

It's Not Just A Zygote

Some time ago, a conversation between my non-believing, teenage son and I evolved into the topic of abortion.  Our views are quite different, so we both stiffened a bit as we ventured forth.
I was relieved to know that my son agreed with my views on partial-birth abortion.  It is horrific and should not be performed under any circumstances.  Then we moved onto early-term abortion, and  things were different.  

My son sneered at me and said, "What? You don't still believe that, do you? I mean, Mom, it's just a zygote. That early on in the pregnancy, it doesn't matter."
"Just a zygote?" I retorted. "That zygote is the only thing the baby evolves from, isn't it?"
"Yea..." he said, unprepared for my next reply.
"So you mean," I intoned a question, "that if I decided to get rid of that zygote that you came from, you wouldn't have cared? It wouldn't have mattered? I could have just made that decision to throw that zygote away, and you wouldn't be here with us today?"
"No, Mom, that's different!" His response startled me. He was always so scientific, but this response was emotional. I was actually relieved, and I took advantage of the situation.
"That's different?!" I asked. "How is that different? It's the same scientific scenario that you presented, except that it's you instead of a yet-to-be-born or yet-to-be-named baby."
My son was speechless. I was thrilled. I made some inroads on his flippant views about abortion. With the help of the Holy Spirit, a seed had been planted. He got the zygote-equals-realperson connection.  That is all I could accomplish for that day, but what an accomplishment it was.
St. Monica, Mary, and St. Augustine, please intercede for him.

image - http://www.healthofchildren.com/images/gech_0001_0003_0_img0218.jpg
This is a revision of an entry from my first blog.

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