August 31, 2010

CLOSED: 99 Ways to Stop Abortion

There are some chapters available on-line.  They will excite you with the realization that we can be effective now, on a very personal level, without having to wait for legislation to be changed.

Chapter 1:  Sidewalk Counseling
Chapter 38:  Adopt an Abortionist
Chapter 81:  Violence:  Why It Won't Work

    Here is a review by the Publisher back in 2001.

    In this now-famous book, probably the expert on Pro-Life activism shares his vast experience and practical know-how on preventing abortions, either directly or indirectly. He explains what works and what does not. Writing 2 and 3 page chapters and approaching the problem from scores of angles, he includes "Sidewalk Counseling," "TV & Radio Editorial Rebuttals," "Starting a Pregnancy Help Office," "Strategies for Closing Abortion Mills," "Getting Pro-Life Information into High Schools," and dozens of other ways - with, of course, prayer being the cornerstone of the whole work. The author also discusses "How to Stay Optimistic" and "Having Fun" in the struggle. Overall this is a tremendously positive and extremely valuable book to help other win Pro-Life victories as great as and even greater than Joe Scheidler himself has won! Practical and right to the point!!  -

    I like the idea that the author suggests multi-faceted solutions, many never heard of, to bring a God-centered end to abortion.  We need them all and can not rely on legislation only.


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